Whilst we are clearly a problem solving species there are times when we outgrow our capacity to cope. History and present day media is littered with stories of casualties where adherence to the dominant social norms no longer work. It tends to be a social inability to meet basic needs that first reveals itself, then mass migrations, conflict, and rapid desertification follow at a pace. Whilst one could point at the present pandemic as an example, it pales into insignificance against the backdrop of the multiplicity of problems that we are creating for ourselves as we continue to dominate the natural order of life on Earth. Our increasingly refined, life-flow breaking, chemical and genetically modifying substances, are compounded by a fear and greed based work ethic that is past its sell by date.
As we approach 8 billion humans on Earth, the forbidden inner cries of “we cannot cope!”, haunt the dreams of some politicians and citizens alike. Many are struggling to keep up and stay alive. They seek the secret.
The secret however is never the method. We can never replicate the past. Why go backwards when you really want to go forwards. Knowledge and appreciation of what’s next naturally, successionally, and how to get out of the way of unwittingly blocking it, this is The Secret.
5 Deep was established as an experiment to participate in a niche; an eruption of Humanity growing into new ways of thinking unlike anything prior. Yes it seems that we are always growing into a change that has already happened. Keeping up with whom we have become is our hero’s journey. According to Clare W Graves, the primary researcher behind Spiral Dynamics, the weak signals in his research held clear evidence that the leap for humanity was ‘literally beyond belief’, and heralded the emergence of a new species. A significant shift from Human Doing to Human Being as we leave behind the last vestiges of our innate animal kingdom heritage Everything we ever believed to be true is to be inevitably turned on its head for us to move forward.
Back in 1998 my knowledge of such a niche was a premonitional knowledge which, when made visible by Spiral Dynamics, fuelled an immense relief. What an experiment to be lived; Acting-Up-INTO a new paradigm waiting to be born because the life conditions demanded it! What a gift to be able to then select and access appropriate ‘holistically’ informed maps and frameworks to Shape-UP a new way forward.
"The only way you get a holism is via a holarchy.” - Ken Wilber
Jan Smuts, Arthur Young, Clare W Graves, Don Beck, Ken Wilber, Howard Bloom, and Allan Savory are examples of individuals who have created, refined, and practised with meta-maps and meta-frameworks that extend from the soil, to stomach, to Soul. To be attracted to such meta-maps and frameworks, and persist through long term application of their insights, principles and postulates, means to Shape-UP one’s holistically informed meaning making by accelerating a contextual and meaning reframing. This is humanities signature for the emergence of fresh coping abilities.
“Meaning is context bound, but context is boundless” - Jonathan Culler
Cry’s of heresy often rain down on the meta-map and meta framework creators. Accusations of ‘conventional scientific heresy’ lead to contaminated replications that will never work as they are bent upon proving the originators wrong at any cost. Such contaminated applications reduce holistically shaped thinking to the conventional. Glee erupts when the results are so poor in comparison. If only the accusers were aware that they are often unwitting engineers of their own, and the human species, extinction, as they blindly discard the weak signals of the successional dynamics of biology and psychology as chaff and stay with what’s normal.
The clear evidence is that the ‘clean’ application of such seed-mind-informed mappings and frameworks leads to an experience of a holistically informed lifestyle where what you choose to do ‘works’ and often ‘outperforms the present paradigm’.
With such successful application practitioners grow into who they have already naturally become and thus legitimize legitimate shaping up their new lifestyle!
In the LEAP to a more holistically oriented lifestyle everything you believed to be true becomes re-examined and tested against the Quality of Life you desire. In the world of the complex, approximation replaces certainty as you navigate your way to deliver stuff that works pretty well and reliably. Everything becomes an “I choose to by design” as we grow into new communion at a planetary level.
In support of those who are ready, we are launching a new programme that commences in September 2021. It is named ‘Holistically Oriented Living’ (HOL for short). We are reaching out to all who “know that something needs to change but are not sure what?” HOL is designed to provide you with a taste of what is possible to enable you to discern a pathway that is meaningful to you.
Telephone: 07973 866 930
E-mail: christopher.cooke@5deep.net
Address: 14 Beech Hill, Otley,
West Yorkshire, LS21 3AX