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Training - Future-proof by growing your capacity to handle complexity

The Practice of Full Spectrum Emergence


Full Spectrum Emergence is a practice that enables humanity to recover Earth's viability.

The learning phases of the practice may be summarised as: Showing-Up, Acting-Up, and Shaping-Up.

Showing-Up occurs when you sense Earth's fragility, and know that, 'something needs to change, but I'm not sure what?'


Acting-Up describes the accelerated learning that comes through the adoption of a Holistic/Integral Stance.

When you cognitively choose to apply theoretically-inspired insights into your practice, you are Acting-Up.

Full Spectrum Emergence practitioners are able to use theories of human thinking and change to enhance their practice, whether as coaches, educators, facilitators or leaders.


Shaping-Up describes the practice that is based upon an elegantly simple premise, 'the change in an organism's life conditions may or may not lead to change.'

Life is complex. All forms of change are a consequence of a mutual shaping effect, as either the organism or its habitat change. This underlying premise of Full Spectrum Emergence enables practitioners to shape the life conditions in order to release natural flow.

Stance Matters: Releasing Latent Potential

Stance Matters is the foundational training. It is accredited through The International Coaching Federation.

May be delivered in person or virtually


Course Description

Learn the theoretical foundations of what is known as Full Spectrum Emergence.

We go deep into the profound work of Clare W. Graves, and the Spiral Dynamics Lineage.

You will gain insights about the deepest dynamics of human nature. 

Relevant for all who know something needs to change but are not sure what.

Tangible Outcomes

Release capacities for navigating complexity that are just waiting for stimulation.

Gain basic skills that allow you to start applying in your immediate context.

Recognize the deeper patterns of worldviews in yourself and others

Confidence to trust your intuitive knowing.

Understand what is the underlying root cause of ‘wicked problems’.

Learning Outcomes

Know the full scope of the theoretical lineage.

How to utilize simple frameworks that stimulate insight about handling complexity.

Get a taste of the elegant simplicity of application.

Use research instruments to expand your awareness.

Application & Change: Using the Spiral Dynamics Lineage as a Framework for New Practice

May be delivered in person or virtually

Course Description

We take your initial exposure to the full theoretical basis and focus solely on the practice that underpins all application at all scales. 

Relevant for all who wish to apply this point of view professionally in their chosen context.

Prerequisite: Stance Matters

Tangible Outcomes

Read and interpret the language of the worldviews

Be able to design worldview congruent approaches that release motivational flow for self and others.

Learning Outcomes

Know how to fully Examine, Design and Align for any situation.

Reveal the root dynamics of human change theory.

Utilize simple frameworks to release personal insight.

Experientially know how to apply this point of view in all contexts.

Organisational Design & Alignment

May be delivered in person or virtually

Course Description

We take your initial exposure to the full theoretical basis and focus solely on the practice that underpins all application at all scales. 

Relevant for all who wish to apply this point of view professionally in their chosen context.

Tangible Outcomes

Read and interpret the language of the worldviews.

Be able to design worldview congruent approaches that release motivational -flow for self and others.

Learning Outcomes

Know how to fully Examine, Design and Align for any situation-Reveal the root dynamics of human change theory.

Utilize simple frameworks to release personal insight.

Apply this point of view in all contexts.

Holistic Management:
A Framework For Earth Recovery, Regeneration and Renewal

Course Description

This whole system approach to resource management gives you tools to improve profitability, regenerate soil, increase quality of life, and increase biodiversity by working with nature.

Relevant for all forms of organisational, social, national handling of that which is complex: People, Planet, Prosperity.

Tangible Outcomes

Recover, Regenerate and Renew Natures Processes

Enjoy the rich fruits of the land and choose to be finacially secure by design.

Deliver Envrinmental Outcomes

Reduce stress

Address the root cause of flood, drought and climate instability

Be able to apply  the principles anywhere on Earth (Land and Ocean)

Learning Outcomes

Learn the fundamental building blocks of Holistic Management

Develop a Holistic Context to guide your decisions and actions

Gain practical experience with the holistic decision-making process

Discover new solutions

A Parthership with 5 Deep, known as 3LM (which is a division of New Foundation Farms), offers Holistic Management education with Ecological Outcome Verification services across the food and fibre supply ecology of the UK and Ireland.

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