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Assessing the readiness for personal, cultural, social and organisational change


When you focus your change efforts on values and behaviours, you don’t always get what you hoped for. Values and behaviours are manifestations of something going on deep below the waterline.

What if you could go below the surface and understand the underlying motivation for change?

5 Deep Vital Signs equips you to make sense of the deep patterns, predict what is coming next, and navigate change with elegant simplicity.


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5 Deep PRODUCTS Overview

5 Deep Vital Signs products encompass a range of survey and research instruments, that collate data based upon human stage development theory. The overall approach is based upon an understanding of the deep motivational intelligences or unconscious biases, that influence all known human behaviour.

The instruments used are drawn from a wide range of sources, and new ones are being added all the time. The value-adding contribution of the 5 Deep approach is knowing how to use and apply the instruments as a service for the thrival of all life.

When are insights from 5 Deep Vital Signs beneficial?

  • Anticipating what is next naturally
  • Reinventing organisations by design
  • Creating thriving organisations and communities
  • Personal and professional development
  • Leading responsibly
  • Enhancing coaching / mentoring / training / facilitation services
  • Stimulating creativity and innovation
  • Releasing latent human potential
  • Troubleshooting challenges
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