A Seed of An Idea

Christopher Cooke • June 16, 2021


Holistically Oriented Living – A natural consequence of Full Spectrum Consciousness



Embracing the Moment


Humanity is shifting.

Many are ready, willing, and able to Show-UP and Act-UP to embrace a new way forward. To do so will utilize latent human capacities to Shape-Up the recovery, regeneration, and renewal of life on Earth and assume a significant role in Universe. Homo-Sapiens-Integral is our emergent expression that equips us to ‘be, think and do’ in this ‘holistically oriented’ manner.

A viable human species is one that with volition aligns with, and contributes to, a creative evolutionary Universe. 

In truth, we are a life-form that meshes with, and is an expression of The All. Each of us is like a unique standing wave that is shaped by the enduring deep patterns and codes that shape our unique personality. Our acceptance of this and our growing appreciation of the Full Spectrum of Consciousness is our foundational knowledge.

Consciousness is our foundational knowledge.

We embrace the beautiful dynamics of existence to discern new ways forward from the soil (ecology) to the stomach (vitality) to the soul (the spark of civilization and Universe).

"I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness." .  Max Planck


Integral -Waymaking to Bridge Worlds

There is a niche group that needs serving. These beings are reaching out for new ways forward beyond the edges of the present paradigm. We assume that they number some 5% of global population. They know that a fundamental rethink is necessary as the basis for a proactive journey into a new way of living. They have been practicing over many years as they learn to utilize their new thinking to a point when there is no way back. These are the Integral-Waymakers who are equipped for an Integral Age. Their hallmark is their volition, acceptance, invisibility, humility, experimentation, demonstration of stuff that works.



5 Deep - An Experiment

5 Deep has served well as a vehicle for experimentation in Integral-Waymaking.

Seeds have sprouted from its journey.

Inspired by a premonition shaped path, we are always open to ‘tomorrows thinking today’.

The primary fruits are those individuals who have been involved with projects, training, or chance conversations and have acted as Integral-Waymakers in their context.

 Other fruits include:

  1. An evolving framework known as Full Spectrum Emergence2021
  2.  a holistically informed practice base that extends from the soil to stomach to soul
  3. an ability to scan and assess social outcomes
  4. an ability to scan and assess ecological outcomes
  5. holistically informed leadership and management decision making, policy setting, scientific enquiry, ecosystem regeneration, organisation design and alignment, systemic community

A New Way Forward is Calling

What-if 2024 is the year in which humanity is invited to choose a new way forward? How would we prepare for that? 

Imagine May 2024. An International Festival commences in Japan and rapidly embraces all Nations. This event lays the foundation for our volitional journey into a higher order significance. The festival spawns individual and collective imagineering with commitments, and capabilities, to experience a truly desirable quality of life. No longer will life be like a pinball flipped to win or lose. Holistically informed decision-making releases unique and proactive contributions at all scales. 

In May 2025, the conversation about our next civilization commences. All expressions of dictate, debate, dialogue, and discernment assist to shape this path. All decisions are checked at source to assure their contribution to the agreed quality of life. What no longer serves us will be laid to rest with gratitude for its contribution. What works well will be refreshed to contribute to a new way forward. Above all else, new approaches will flourish and be lived proactively. Being approximately right in the domain of ecology, culture and social systems will reveal progress with pace.


Seed Minds Lead the Way

New ways forward will be pioneered by those who know and are proven competent in these times. Such Seed Minds have been in preparation for many decades. There is much wisdom for us to mine and utilize. For example: The designers of the City of Canberra in Australia imagined it to be the place where the conversations about the next civilization would be held. Such a conversation would transcend Nationhood and The Corporate State. Imagine a corroboree of international unification where celebration and the open exchange of knowledge leads to new ways forward that irresistible to all citizens. Holistically informed planning accelerates our swelling into an inspiring, quality of life inducing, cacophony of humanity.

A by-product of this unifying, human creativity inspiring, expression of what we really want life to be like on Earth, may be a volitional freedom and peace that embraces our species. It is ours if we choose.

Be warned you are already involved. Freedom requires your individual and collective uniqueness. Peace invites each of us assume full responsibility for an equitable relationship with each other, our society, Humanity and Universe.


C G Cooke. 16th June 2021.

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