Team Logins
Do you have a curious mind towards the potential of more complex thinking?
Do you want to activate insights to find solutions that overcome barriers and dissonance so you can thrive through an increasingly complex world and existence?
Do you want communities of practice that support this transition to handle the complexity and beyond?
If you said yes to these questions and feel drawn to find the answers, then consider this option before you. Begin your exploration with this introduction to Holistically Oriented Living. Embark on an experiential journey to learn to:
Join us on 28th of July for a webinar to find out more.
When: 28th July, 2021
Time: 7 - 8 pm London OR 11 pm - midnight London
Where: Zoom
Telephone: 07973 866 930
Address: 14 Beech Hill, Otley,
West Yorkshire, LS21 3AX