Discernment and decision making in the death-throes of a paradigm

Christopher Cooke • May 24, 2022

Discernment and decision making in the death-throes of a paradigm

Should we Build Back Better?

We are all surrounded by mainstream messages of impending catastrophe and an increasingly technologically driven future.

At 5 Deep we know that a congruent Cultural-Mindset defines the shape and motives of a paradigm. It is therefore easy to identify the root cause of our current situation as the death-throes of a previously dominant paradigm that can no longer cope and is clinging, in blind faith, to that with which it has institutional familiarity; Economic Growth and Technology.

The evidence is clear that today’s problems are unintended consequences of yesterday’s solutions. Einstein warned us not to attempt to solve problems using the same Cultural -Mindset that created the problems in the first place.  

‘Build Back Better’ is clearly the maxim of the last gasps of a Cultural-Mindset that cannot cope. With the power of our latest ‘nature-coding’ technology the unintended consequences of well-meaning large-scale adoption is trending towards an accelerated catastrophic loss of many life-forms.

We are all faced with a hard choice. 

Do we all conform to the palliative care of an inexorably declining paradigm or do we choose to build upon the weak signals of a new way forward and lay the last paradigm to rest with gratitude, grace and ease. To choose the latter option requires some effort, especially when current norms tend to suppress any discussion of anything different being possible.

Thus far our civilisation has mastered the world of machines, or that which is controllable and predictable. We now have to master that which is complex, self-organising, and emergent; People, nature and economics.

Towards the what’s next naturally Cultural-Mindset:

The next Cultural-Mindset has to handle chaos whilst also shaping a new form of functional order than can handle paradoxes. Integral Psychology provides insights into the emergence of such complexity handling thinking that has become tracked since the early 20th century. Holistic / Integral thinking is the vanguard of the next wave of human development.

Co-creating a new way of living:

The stimulation and utilisation of holistic / integral thinking is like awakening a sleeping giant. Frameworks that stimulate such thinking have been evolving over the past 70 years. At 5 Deep we utilise 2 fundamental frameworks that stimulate new levels of discernment, greater choice, and an alignment with the processes of nature.

The first framework builds upon the lineage of Clare W Graves and which today 70 years on has evolved into a highly practical approach that enhances one’s discernment and design capabilities. It has application across all aspects of society. We call this Full Spectrum Emergence, or Humergence for short. We also focus on the utilisation of frameworks that stimulate comprehensive systemic awareness and practice that simultaneously address ecological, social and economic outcomes. We have adopted Holistic Management (Savory) as the primary resource management framework. We demonstrate application across all aspects of society. We have significant activities in Agriculture which in our view is one of the most complex sectors in our present civilisation. 

Holistically Oriented Living (HOL):

The shape of our future does seem to depend upon our ability to grow into a new paradigm which is shaped by a new Cultural-Mindset. What shapes that Cultural-Mindset is you and your Mindset which itself is shaped by the full spectrum of the complex adaptive intelligences that are available to our species.

The good news is that the fuzzy form of the Holistic / Integral Cultural-Mindset already exists and is being shaped by approximately 5% of global population. All we have to do is grow ourselves into this new way of thinking and shape the content. The evidence of success will be a viable planet and viable human species in Universe.

As was mentioned earlier this will take some effort.

To support this journey, we have designed an introductory level programme known as HOL – Holistically Oriented Living. It is designed to open doors into arena’s that you may or may not have heard about. Our outcome is you discovering stuff that works for a world in transition.

The next programme commences on the 31st May and consists of - 2 hr sessions.

For more information click Holistic Oriented Living Training

Please take a look and join us.

Register for HOL
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